FAQs Regarding EBCH & COVID-19

FAQs Regarding EBCH & COVID-19

Answers to your most frequently asked questions 

Q.) What is the most important thing you need to know? 
A.) Ely-Bloomenson Community Hospital is fully prepared to care for our patients. Our Emergency Department is operational, and w e encourage patients to come in when they need to.   

Q.) What process did EBCH use to prepare for the pandemic? 
A.) In mid-March, Ely-Bloomenson Community Hospital (EBCH) began preparation for the possible onset of COVID-19 in our service area. EBCH receives ongoing updates from the Minnesota Department of Health and the CDC. Our multi-disciplinary team meets daily, including representatives from EBCH and other healthcare and public agencies from the area. EBCH is also a member of the Northeast Minnesota Healthcare Preparedness Coalition, and we work closely with other facilities to share information and best practice as we navigate changes associated with the COVID-19 virus.   

Q.) What if I experience symptoms and think I need a COVID-19 test? 
A.) EBCH has testing supplies available; however, all testing is at the discretion of the provider. Tests get sent out for analysis with results typically available in approximately 24-hours. EBCH does not offer any sort of “drive-up” testing services.  

Q.) What is the capacity of EBCH? 
A.)  EBCH is a licensed 21-bed Critical Access Hospital.

Q.) Do you have ventilators available? 
A.) EBCH has ventilators available. Patients requiring a ventilator will be stabilized and transported to a higher level of care. As a small Critical Access Hospital, it is not best practice to keep patients at our facility who will need to be on a ventilator long-term.  

Q.) Are there current visitor restrictions in place?  
A.) Yes. We recommend that visitors do not accompany patients at this time. You will be asked to wait in a waiting room with exceptions for compassionate care needs, minor children, vulnerable adults, and traumas evaluated on a case by case basis. Anyone visiting our campus is required to wear a mask. If you have a mask from home, we appreciate that you bring it with you. If you do not have a mask, we will provide one for you. Upon arrival, all visitors, staff, and vendors must complete a short questionnaire and have their temperature taken. Visitors will sign-in to our logbook, and wear VISITOR identification.

Q.) Where do I find up-to-date information? 
A.) EBCH posts updates on our Facebook page, website (www.ebch.org), and as needed on WELY. We have also added a link on our website to the CDC’s live feed. During regular business hours, you can call us at 218-365-3271, where our live operators can answer your questions or direct your call.  

Q.) What if I need a prescription?
A.) Ely Community Pharmacy is owned and operated by EBCH. They are open for business Monday-Friday 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, and Saturday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm to serve the needs of the community and our visitors. In their ongoing efforts to protect staff and customers, they currently offer curbside pick-up or will mail your prescriptions at no additional charge. Customers can also use their Refill RX app to request a refill.  For more information, contact the pharmacy at 218-365-8788. It is recommended and appreciated that customers wear a mask when visiting the pharmacy.  

Q.) How do I protect myself and my family?  
A.) The best way to protect yourself and others is to wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Stay home if you are sick. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue and discard immediately. Continue to practice social distancing by respecting personal space and keeping a distance of 3-6 feet between yourself and others and avoid large gatherings. Masks are recommended but not required in most retail locations. Masks can provide effective protection from droplets when worn correctly.  

Tiffany Zemke, EBCH Staff Educator & Infection Prevention Coordinator 218-365-8016
Jodi Martin, EBCH Marketing & Communications Team Leader 218-365-8739  

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